News & Updates

In cooperation with the American Ambulance Associationwe and others have created a running compilation of local and national news stories relating to EMS delivery, powered by Since January 2021, 2,600 news reports have been chronicled, with 42% highlighting the EMS staffing crisis, and 37% highlighting the funding crisis. Combined reports of staffing and/or funding account for 79.5% of the media reports! 188 reports cite EMS system closures/takeovers, or agencies departing communities, and 94% of the news articles reference staffing challenges, funding issues and response times.

Click below for an up to date list of these news stories, with links to the source documents.

Media Log Rolling Totals Protected.xlsx

  • 28 Aug 2023 1:36 PM | AIMHI Admin (Administrator)

    The Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration (AIMHI)  AIMHI Excellence in Integration Awards celebrate and promote high-performance, high-value EMS, its partners, and leaders.

    Nominations for the 2023 Awards are due by December 31, 2023.

    Winners will be recognized at the AIMHI Board Meeting at the American Ambulance Association Conference & Trade Show April 22-24, 2024. They will also receive recognition on the AIMHI website and social media platforms.

    Please see for criteria for each specific award category.

    Nominations are due by December 31, 2023.

  • 28 Aug 2023 9:02 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Yet another state government report sounding the alarm on collapsing EMS systems. These issues are not limited to rural areas, but also in urban and suburban areas as well.

    According to Rob Lawrence’s most recent media tracker has identified 68 EMS agency closures since 2021.

    The referenced Colorado report does not appear to be out yet, but once it is, we’ll try and get it out to you all.


    Colorado ambulance services are on the verge of collapse, government report finds

    August 27, 2023

    By Lucas Brady Woods, KUNC

    Snow was still on the ground last year one afternoon in late March when Hinsdale County’s only full-time paramedic, Buffy Witt, got what she thought would be a routine call about a car accident on Highway 149.

    She realized she was wrong as soon as she arrived at the scene. The car pinned against a tree next to the road belonged to her 20-year-old son, Logan. He was trapped inside with a shattered femur, six broken ribs, a fractured vertebrae and a collapsed lung.

    Witt immediately went into first-responder mode and focused on saving her son’s life.

    “I told myself, put on your sheet of armor and just do it,” she said. “My son told me that he was getting right with dying because he knew he couldn’t get out of the car.”

    Logan Witt survived after being flown to the nearest trauma center equipped to treat him, which was almost 150 miles away in Grand Junction. The experience was so traumatic that Witt stopped going on calls altogether. But there weren’t any other paramedics in Hinsdale County at the time to take her place, so less than two months later, Witt responded to the scene of another car accident. That time, the driver, a longtime friend of hers, died.

    “That feeling of responsibility in a rural community, where you know the people that you respond to – it’s just such a heavy weight,” Witt said. “The burnout rate is magnified here because of the staffing issues, the personal connection and the responsibility to the community.”

    On top of being a paramedic, Witt is also Hinsdale County’s director of emergency medical services. She manages the department and goes on calls for a salary of less than $60,000 per year. Like in many rural areas, any other first responders that back her up are volunteers. In fact, more than one in 10 ambulance agencies in Colorado have all-volunteer staff.

    For Witt, the job is worth the challenges because she serves the community where she was born and raised. But ambulance services across Colorado, especially those in rural areas, are facing the same existential problems: a lack of funding, workforce shortages and declining volunteerism. A draft report sent to Gov. Jared Polis last week from the state’s EMS Sustainability Task Force found that many of the state’s emergency medical services are unsustainable, with some at risk of disappearing altogether.

    The 20-member task force was launched last year to address the problems over a five-year period and is made up of state lawmakers and EMS professionals. Many first responders, however, including some serving on the task force, say more urgent action has to be taken.

    “We can’t wait,” Lisa Ward, a professional EMT on the task force, told KUNC. “We’re already losing EMS services in Colorado. It’s not sustainable to have a volunteer and all-volunteer base when you can’t pay them, you can’t offer them health benefits, the mental and physical exhaustion that it takes to do the job wears on people.”

    Fewer and fewer people are willing and able to dedicate time to volunteering as a first responder. Those that do often have to juggle other jobs to pay the bills, which means they’re only able to volunteer periodically and are at higher risk of burnout. At the same time, many small agencies don’t have the budgets to pay for full-time ambulance staff.

    The problems partially stem from inconsistencies between state and local oversight of ambulance services. For example, first responders like paramedics and EMTs are currently licensed by the state while their emergency vehicles and the agencies that manage them are licensed on the county level. Colorado is the only state in the U.S. without centralized oversight of its EMS system. The state also has no uniform system in place for communicating or sharing data and information between local agencies.

    “One county does one thing and another county does another thing. If you want to transfer a patient from one county to another county, you have to figure out what that looks like, how that’s done and who responds,” Ward said. “Right now it’s kind of a patchwork of county to county regulation.”

    The patchwork system has resulted in varying access to emergency medical services across the state. Even the requirements for life-saving equipment on an ambulance can change from county to county because there are no statewide standards. Lawmakers passed legislation last year, Senate Bill 225, which will consolidate ambulance licensing at the state level starting in January.

    Colorado ambulance services are funded in a variety of ways as well. Some are private businesses, nonprofits or function through hospital systems. Others are funded by property tax revenue alongside other local services like schools, libraries and water districts. That means local residents have to agree to higher taxes to increase funding for their emergency medical services.

    Many local ambulance agencies also rely on grants from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, but the lack of statewide standards blocks access to other funding sources like federal grants.

    “When you have consistency and you have standards, you make a case for reimbursement models and funding models to say, ‘Hey, look, there’s no difference in any of these agencies. It’s not a rural agency versus an urban agency.’ It creates consistency in licensing standards, education standards and equipment standards,” Ward said.

    Ward also noted that ambulances in Colorado are only reimbursed if they transport a patient to a hospital. They do not get paid for calls where they only treat a person on the scene. Under state law, ambulances are considered transportation services, not medical services.

    “When any one of us individuals has an emergency, we just pick up the phone in the 21st century in America and dial 911, and we anticipate that the expert on the other end of the phone is going to realize and figure out which type of emergency service to send to us within minutes,” EMS Sustainability Task Force Chairman and State Sen. Mark Baisley said. “It works pretty well for a fire because fire is considered an essential service, which is a term that has a meaning to it: that the local municipality shall provide fire response. Not so with emergency management services.”

    Baisley added that there needs to be more public awareness of the issue and how Colorado EMS systems function. But he also agrees with Lisa Ward that funding needs to be the first priority, and he’s working with the task force on legislation that he plans to introduce during next year’s legislative session. He believes tourists need to cover some of those EMS costs.

    “I intend to rethink the entire manner of how this is funded,” Baisley said. “Obviously, it’s always going to be through taxation. But since our tourism industry creates a lot of the cost and demands a lot of our responsiveness and appropriate care, then we will look at that.”

    The population of many rural mountain communities balloons in the summer months due to tourism. Those tourists often have to use local emergency medical services, which adds even more strain to those systems.

    In Hinsdale County, the population increases from about 800 people year-round to about 6,000 people over the summer months when tourists descend on the area to hike, climb, fish and hunt among the peaks of the San Juan Mountains. Buffy Witt is doing what she can on the local level to keep emergency medical services available there while holding on to hope that the state can get its EMS oversight on the right track.

    “I’m just trying to keep the wheels rolling and keep the duct tape and the fingers plugged in the holes,” Witt said. “There is hope that change is on the horizon, and this personally gives me motivation to be a part of that change.”

    She’s launching a local training course in partnership with neighboring counties so that volunteers don’t have to travel to become first responders. She’s also put in place a stipend program to provide some compensation to volunteers, which is funded by the San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run, an annual Hinsdale County marathon that typically attracts about 300 runners.

  • 23 Aug 2023 1:17 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Tip of the hat to Kolby Miller for finding and forwarding this Op Ed…


    Ambulance 'response times' miss the big picture: health outcomes

    Mississippi Ambulance Alliance Board Members

    Special to the Mississippi Clarion Ledger

    August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023


    No one would dream of requiring that every patient seen in emergency rooms across our state is treated within 12 minutes. 

    Such a stringent and arbitrary requirement would be dangerous to those most in need of urgent attention and unaffordable if not impossible to implement. 

    A broken arm is bad, but a cardiac arrest, stroke or bleeding from a severe motor vehicle trauma takes precedent. So, emergency rooms “triage” patients to determine an order of response. And we all accept that. Even if we don’t like sitting in the ER a little longer.

    We get it.

    Yet, in 2023, that is how we continue to measure Emergency Medical Services and ambulance responses: How quickly was the truck there?

    “Response Times” are the loudest complaint, both locally and around the country — regardless of whether a private or public ambulance is responding. Everyone is, understandably, mad the ambulance isn’t right here, right now. And in many if not most instances, the ambulance providers agree — they want to be on scene sooner.

    But that system is showing its fragility everywhere.

    A national survey of ambulance providers by the National Association of EMTs found 65% reporting a significant decline in job applicants compared to 2019. Over half of the news stories in local media across the nation are about shortages of paramedics and EMTs. 

    Emergency 911 call volume in many jurisdictions is on the upswing, while the number of paramedics and EMTs is falling.

    Ambulance providers are conducting their own in-house certification courses just to keep up. On the Mississippi Gulf Coast, one ambulance provider is recruiting and training students in high schools, showing them a pathway into a healthcare field that has a high demand for workers throughout the nation.

    But it’s not just a paramedic shortage that is straining ambulance response. Ambulances are just the last domino in a healthcare worker shortage chain.

    The ambulance you are waiting on is more likely than not already at an emergency room, waiting to unload a patient at an understaffed hospital. That hospital can’t find enough nurses to hire to care for those and other patients, meaning EMTs can’t transfer the patient in the back of their ambulance.

    “Ambulance response time” is just the most public face of a national healthcare provider shortage that stretches back into hospitals, clinics and even some 911 dispatch centers that can’t hire people to answer the telephones.

    Further, compounding this, our EMS system was built around a hospital system that is rapidly evolving. As more complex procedures are performed at fewer and fewer hospitals in urban centers, ambulances and their teams in the most rural parts of the state spend more time on the road, taking patients to and from those advanced hospitals, and less time in their home county waiting to respond.

    Nobody should be faulted for wanting an ambulance at their doorstep within seconds of when they call 911, especially those facing truly severe illness or accidents when minutes and seconds will make the difference. That should be the goal.

    To achieve that shared goal, communities around the country are rethinking Emergency Medical Services.

    For example, there is a tiered ambulance response system where basic lifesaving (BLS) ambulances are used for appropriate 911 calls in addition to advanced lifesaving (ALS) ambulances. These BLS calls are determined by a trained and certified emergency medical dispatcher (EMD). Not only does this get the appropriate level of care to the caller, but it also allows ALS ambulances to be available for lifesaving calls.

    These complex health challenges won’t be fixed overnight. Nor will they be cured by simply demanding a faster response.  In fact, it may make things worse, incentivizing trip volume and truck speed over triage. In fact, simply demanding all ambulances drive faster can actually put more people in the hospital due accidents.

    Ambulances today are intensive care units on wheels. They are extraordinarily expensive, staffed by dedicated and well-trained first responders who consider their work a calling, much like police officers and our fire fighters who are being trained and equipped to be a part of the chain of survival.

    Let’s leverage telemedicine, let’s reward EMS responders for treating non-urgent medical issues on the scene (in consultation with a physician) and when appropriate let’s refer patients to a clinic during normal hours. Let’s use this moment to build a new, coordinated EMS system that can triage 911 calls and ensure the patients who need the quickest response can get it. 

    Counties, cities, hospitals, paramedics, EMTs and ambulance providers — along with insurers and healthcare payors – should use this moment to work together to build systems that focus on good patient outcomes: systems that get patients the care they need, when and where they need it. 

    We should not simply turn up the stopwatch on a model [that] creates a race to push everyone into understaffed emergency rooms. 

  • 23 Aug 2023 7:39 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Regionalization of EMS (and 911 communication centers) has been a growing topic of conversation in local communities, state legislatures, and even Congress.

    It often results in more clinically proficient, operationally effective, and fiscally efficient services across larger service areas. It also tends to help with staffing challenges.

    During a recent conversation with a member of Congress, we were asked if it would make sense for federal or state governments to support regionalization efforts with incentive funding for consolidation of services.

    We were also asked to provide some examples of effective regional EMS systems.


    Rep. Johnson encourages talks of regionalizing EMS

    by: Gerry Ricciutti

    Aug 21, 2023

    BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – As local communities wrestle with providing quality emergency medical services across Mahoning County, they heard from a potentially unifying voice.

    Monday morning, local fire chiefs, trustees and others heard from Congressman Bill Johnson (R).

    “I would want to look at every option and I think they oughta look at regionalization,” Johnson said.

    The congressman’s suggestion comes as two local departments, Boardman and Canfield, have been talking about a possible merger for weeks. Boardman is one of only a handful of departments not offering at least some sort of EMS, and the chief says he’d like to see that changed.

    “I wanna be part of something that propels this area forward. I think it’s time we really look at things and put our egos aside and do the right thing,” said Boardman Fire Chief Mark Pitzer.

    Retired YSU Professor Joe Mistovich was also in the audience and has studied regionalization. He says there have always been roadblocks.

    “I think that’s what we need, is somebody from the outside to come in and say, let’s everybody come to the table. Let’s seriously talk about this,” Mistovich said.

    Another crucial issue for those in attendance — the levels for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for EMS, something the congressman admits will be a very big hurdle to cross over.

    Johnson told the group that making changes to the federal system would take time the local communities may not have.

    Still, he urged the group to reach out to state lawmakers to see what can be done in Columbus.

    “I’m gonna see the governor this evening and I’m gonna whisper in his ear and mention this as well,” Johnson said.

    In the meantime, the possible merger between Boardman and Canfield could start taking shape by this time next year.

  • 23 Aug 2023 7:38 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    When the Center for Medicaid sent the attached communication to state Medicaid offices last August, some of us opined that this would be a likely next step in the review of GEMT programs.

    It will be very interesting to see which states they choose, the findings from the audits, and what they plan to do if they determine overpayments have been made for uncovered services?

    We hope these reviews are done expeditiously, as several state plan amendment (SPA) applications for GEMT programs are being withheld by CMS, pending further review. These delays hurt ambulance providers who are under reimbursed by state Medicaid programs.


    Audit of Ambulance Services Supplemental Payment Program

    Some States have implemented uncompensated care payment programs that allow ambulance providers to receive supplemental payments for services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries and uninsured patients. We will conduct audits of selected States to determine whether the States' claims for Federal reimbursement for supplement payments to these providers complied with Federal and State requirements.

  • 22 Aug 2023 2:14 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    An EMS partnership with a H@H provider is a logical use of MIH and ambulance resources.


    What the hospital-at-home movement tells us about igniting innovation in health care

    By James B. Rebitzer and Robert S. Rebitzer

    Aug. 21, 2023

    As a health care economist who studies innovation, and as a management consultant who helps health systems and insurers adopt new technologies, we have had a ringside seat to a frustrating phenomenon: The large private sector of the U.S. health system can move faster to adopt valuable innovations than the public sector burdened by red tape and politics. But before adopting an innovation at scale, the private sector too often waits for the public sector to take the first step — sometimes for decades.

    Consider the case of “hospital at home,” a fast-moving, innovative model that delivers acute hospital care to patients in their own homes. Hospital at home has made headlines recently, but it could have achieved scale far sooner if incentives to invest in the model had been properly aligned.

    Hospital-at-home programs have been studied since the 1970s. However, neither health systems nor payers were willing to invest in the concept at scale until the official Covid-19 public health emergency, during which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services temporarily allowed Medicare to reimburse for hospital-at-home services under the Acute Hospital Care at Home Waiver.

    Since the waiver was adopted in November 2020, hospital at home has taken on the quality of an emerging movement with more and more hospitals participating, driven in part by the rising demand of aging baby boomers and the desire to avoid spending the many billions of dollars needed to build new hospitals. Thanks to an extension from Congress, the waiver remains in effect for now despite the public health emergency declaration ending in March 2023.

    Studies find that hospital-at-home programs are associated with reductions in mortality and cost as well as increases in patient satisfaction. So why did the U.S. health sector wait to take up hospital-at-home hospital strategies until a national public health emergency forced CMS to act?

    Hospital-at-home programs require substantial upfront investments in new processes, new technologies, and additional specialized personnel. Hospitals will make this investment if they can expect reimbursement sufficient to assure a return on the investment.

    These upfront costs create a strategic dilemma for payers. No single payer may have enough enrollees at the hospital to justify reimbursements large enough to cover the hospital-at-home investment. On the other hand, reimbursement could be justified if all the payers agree to reimburse hospital-at-home services, because the costs of the investment would be spread across many more members. Pilot programs may arise here and there, but absent some external coordinating push, no single payer will invest in hospital-at-home at scale.

    Economists call this a common-agency problem because it results from many payers contracting with a shared or common agent — here, the hospital. Health care is rife with such problems, which can slow the uptake of valuable innovations for patients and society. But the hospital-at-home story also illustrates how to manage the problem.

    The Acute Hospital Care at Home Waiver relieved the common-agency problem by authorizing reimbursement for a significant portion of the hospital’s upfront investment, making it easier for private payers to follow CMS’ lead.

    As more private payers support hospital-at-home programs, they strengthen the economic case for other payers by spreading the upfront costs among more members. In this way, hospital at home can move from a novel innovation to a viable way to deliver acute care even though Medicare’s temporary waiver may expire — as it is currently scheduled to do in December 2024.

    The example of hospital-at-home illustrates four ways to get innovation moving when adoption seems stalled:

    Jump-starting: Commitment to reimbursement by a sufficiently large and influential payer can spark innovation. For hospital at home, CMS played the role of jump-starter of last resort. However, a jump start does not need to come from CMS. For example, commercial payers and self-insured employers with a large enough share of a hospital’s patients can also stimulate adoption.

    Information sharing: Incentives alone may not be enough to spur action, particularly for a sweeping innovation like hospital at home. Standard methods and tools are also needed. Bruce Leff, a geriatrician and professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, and other early innovators in hospital at home have formed the Hospital at Home Users Group to share best practices for the design and implementation of hospital-at-home programs.

    Reducing uncertainty and enhancing confidence: The temporary Acute Hospital Care at Home Waiver was enough to get adoption started in some hospitals. However, if the waiver were made permanent, uncertainty about the program would be reduced and progress would likely be faster and more widespread. Congress has extended the waiver once since the public health emergency ended but only on a temporary basis. The waiver is currently scheduled to expire in December 2024.

    Creating a professional and social consensus: When innovations further the goals of health and healing, rather than pecuniary interests, professional and social norms can help overcome incentive problems. Institutional support is also critical for building consensus. Both the American Hospital Association and the Society of Hospital Medicine have reported favorably on hospital-at-home programs, helping create support for change among providers and the public.

    Sometimes the complex and pluralistic U.S. health care system can be slow to innovate. In such cases, aligning incentives for all parties to participate fully may be just what is needed to get things moving.

    James B. Rebitzer is the Peter and Deborah Wexler professor of management at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. Robert S. Rebitzer is a national adviser at Manatt Health. Formerly he was a partner in the health care strategy practice at Accenture and a vice president of UnitedHealth Group. They are the authors of “Why Not Better and Cheaper?: Healthcare and Innovation.”

  • 15 Aug 2023 9:51 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Some fire departments are responding to fewer medical calls, here's why

    Johnathan Hogan

    Port Huron Times Herald

    August 13, 2023

    The next time you call 911 to report a medical emergency, it's less likely a firefighter will join EMS responders.

    A new protocol adopted by several St. Clair County fire departments has changed how they coordinate with Tri-Hospital Emergency Medical Services to respond to medical calls.

    With a few exceptions, fire departments will only respond to medical incidents classified as protocol Delta or protocol Echo, the most serious and life-threatening medical incidents.

    The change in emergency response was made to reduce the risk that firefighters will all be tied up in non-emergency calls in the event of a structure fire or other major incident only the fire department could address.

    When will you see the fire department respond to your medical emergency?

    Previously, both firefighters and Tri-Hospital EMS would respond to calls classified as Bravo and Charlie, the mid-level classification of calls, as well as Delta and Echo. Now, firefighters will no longer respond to those mid-level, non-emergency calls.

    Exceptions will be made if it would take more than eight minutes to respond to the emergency.

    Tri-Hospital EMS will still respond to all medical calls they receive, according to Ken Cummings, the CEO. The policy change applies only to firefighters. 

    The St. Clair County Medical Control Authority adopted the new policy in February after receiving a unanimous endorsement from county fire department chiefs and a draft of the recommended changes. The policy change officially took effect in April.

    The recommendation to change the policy came after the county fire departments and the Medical Control Authority conducted a study to learn how to reduce the number of responses by firefighters.

    In recent years firefighters and other emergency responders have seen staffing decreases. Fire departments have seen less applications in new job postings even as the number of calls increases each year, so local fire chiefs looked for ways to reduce non-serious calls to make sure a team is always available in case of a fire.

    Port Huron Township Fire Department Chief Andrew Persig endorsed the change in a presentation to Port Huron Township officials at a July 17 meeting.

    “Responding to non-emergency incidents ties up fire personnel and makes them unavailable during an incident where firefighters are actually needed,” Persig wrote in a presentation.

    Sixteen of St. Clair County’s fire departments have accepted this change. Six, however, have adopted an alternate policy of responding to every single medical call, regardless of the classification. Those include Kimball Township, Algonac Fire Department, Grant Township Fire Department, Greenwood Township Fire Department, Ira Township Fire Department and Kenockee Township Fire Department.

    Cummings, who is a member of the Medical Control Authority, said firefighters who went to Bravo and Charlie calls sometimes had little to do to help emergency medical technicians on a call.

    “There were times where all they would do is hold open the door,” Cummings said. “Clearly, that’s an unnecessary use of resources.”

  • 7 Aug 2023 8:26 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Interesting report from News4 Detroit on the ongoing EMS staffing issues in Detroit Fire Department.

    The latest example that the staffing crisis is impacting EMS agencies across the country, regardless of provider type.

  • 7 Aug 2023 8:21 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    More trouble for the IDR process…


    Surprise billing arbitration halted (again)

    Tina Reed


    The process providers and insurers use for settling surprise billing disputes was halted after a federal court found the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services improperly hiked the fee for requesting arbitration.

    Why it matters: It's another hiccup for the arbitration system, known as the independent dispute resolution process. It's also the second time this year the IDR process has been halted after a court ruling.

    What happened: A federal judge sided with the Texas Medical Association in a lawsuit that argued CMS failed to follow proper notice-and-comment procedure when it raised the fee for participating in the IDR process from $50 to $350. CMS upped the fee in December, citing "increasing expenditures in carrying out the Federal IDR process."

    • CMS on Friday evening said it temporarily suspended the IDR process, including the ability to file new disputes.

    Catch up quick: The arbitration system has been loaded up with disputes, meaning some cases have dragged on for months. Some providers have also recently complained that insurers have ignored or failed to fully adhere to arbitration rulings.

    • The IDR system was paused for about five weeks earlier this year after the same Texas physician group challenged a separate part of the IDR process, which it said favored insurers.

  • 7 Aug 2023 8:21 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Something for us to keep in mind as we go through the GAPBAC process and efforts to potentially use arbitration as a solution….


    Docs say insurers ignore surprise billing decisions

    Tina Reed

    August 3, 2023

    Insurers are sometimes ignoring rulings to pay providers, or failing to pay them in full, under the arbitration system established by the new federal surprise billing law, providers tell Axios.

    Why it matters: The No Surprises Act, a bipartisan effort to limit unexpected out-of-network medical bills, required that insurers and providers undergo an independent arbitration process to settle their differences without involving patients. The complaints from providers are the latest snag with the arbitration system that launched last year.

    Driving the news: Some providers say they received letters from insurers explicitly saying they won't honor an arbitration award because they view them as "unenforceable" and "not binding," according to the Americans for Fair Health Care, a coalition of clinical and advocacy organizations.

    • The leading trade groups representing doctors and hospitals also said they've heard complaints from their members about not receiving arbitration awards. "This undermines the careful balance Congress struck in the No Surprises Act and threatens to destabilize already financially strapped providers," said Molly Smith, vice president of policy for the American Hospital Association.

    The other side: Insurers have said providers are bogging down the arbitration system with frivolous challenges to billing decisions. They also say arbitrators are bundling multiple decisions together in a way that's contributing to administrative delays.

    What they're saying: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and other federal agencies regulating surprise billing have received a number of complaints regarding late payments following arbitration, a CMS spokesperson confirmed.

    • The agency "is actively investigating and addressing complaints regarding late payments," the spokesperson said, adding the statute is clear that the arbitration process is binding unless there is evidence of fraud.

    What we're watching: Whether CMS will make further changes to the arbitration process in response to providers' complaints — or whether litigation challenging that system, such as one lawsuit from the Texas Medical Association, may force the agency's hand.

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