News & Updates

In cooperation with the American Ambulance Associationwe and others have created a running compilation of local and national news stories relating to EMS delivery, powered by Since January 2021, 2,600 news reports have been chronicled, with 42% highlighting the EMS staffing crisis, and 37% highlighting the funding crisis. Combined reports of staffing and/or funding account for 79.5% of the media reports! 188 reports cite EMS system closures/takeovers, or agencies departing communities, and 94% of the news articles reference staffing challenges, funding issues and response times.

Click below for an up to date list of these news stories, with links to the source documents.

Media Log Rolling Totals Protected.xlsx

  • 4 Jun 2024 9:26 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Interesting perspective by a former insurance regulator. 


    Opinion: Ambulance importance



    Brendan Williams is the president and CEO of the New Hampshire Health Care Association.

    It is a story often told: A bipartisan New Hampshire Senate bill, in this case co-sponsored by over half the Senate, passes the Senate and is eviscerated in the House.

    This particular story involves Senate Bill 407, which addresses what insurers pay for ambulance services.

    As it passed the Senate, it would require insurers to pay rates that are fair, as part of a genuine negotiation between an insurer and an ambulance company. In the absence of an agreement between the insurer and the provider, the Senate would require that the insurer pay rates set by the local government or contracted entity subject to a public process, or rates tied to what Medicare pays, or the billed charges, whichever is the least expensive amount.

    Sound reasonable? It certainly would be great for Granite Staters who too often today can find that ambulance services are hard to access, particularly in rural areas, because of the costs of inflation, including wages.

    A report issued last year by New Hampshire Ambulance Association surveyed 150 emergency medical service leaders, and 98% of them said the system was in urgent need of attention. One ambulance company alone had 50 job openings it couldn’t fill because reimbursement was not high enough to compete in the job market. Other companies were going out of business.

    In contrast, health insurance companies seem to be doing okay. For example, even after nearly bringing down the U.S. healthcare system due to one of its myriad subsidiaries, which handles insurance billing, experiencing a cyberattack that could have been avoided with simple cybersecurity, UnitedHealth Group has a market cap of $455.93 billion as I write this. That’s thirty times bigger than the size of the state of New Hampshire’s current two-year budget.

    As a former state insurance regulator, I can attest to the fact that for providers and patients alike to be chiseled by health insurers is as American as apple pie. I paid $9,100 out-of-pocket last year even though I was “insured” — an experience too many can relate to. Health insurers are even buying up medical practices so that they can steer those they insure to themselves, cleverly bypassing the already generous Affordable Care Act limits on how much they can pocket. One major New Hampshire insurer was reimbursing less for ambulance services than it did a decade ago. Why? Because it can get away with it.

    As it passed the Senate, SB 407 would apply a very small leveling to this uneven playing field and benefit all Granite Staters who need an emergency response or transportation to a health care provider. The current crisis has, for example, burdened hospitals when an ambulance is not available to transport a patient ready for discharge into a long-term care setting. Yet in the House, this good bill got turned into a study.

    It is a classic legislative move: When you don’t want to do something you just study it. I cannot count how many study committees I have been a part of that have completely failed to accomplish anything substantive. And then sometime later another study committee studies the same thing.

    The Senate has refused to concur in the House approach and there is now a conference committee between the two legislative chambers.

    The House should yield to the Senate position. Especially in a state as rural as ours, the well-being of Granite Staters, including some of our most vulnerable citizens, depends on having a viable ambulance sector.

  • 30 May 2024 4:36 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Excellent news out of New York!

    Nice to see another state begin the process to authorize Medicaid to pay for Treatment in Place (TIP) and Transport to Alternate Destinations (TAD), as well as designate EMS as an essential service.


    New York state Senate passes measures aimed to support emergency medical service providers

    By Luke Parsnow New York State

    May 29, 2024

    The New York state Senate on Wednesday passed a legislative package aimed to expand resources for emergency service providers, Democratic leadership announced.

    The legislation is made up of bills that would:

    • authorize Medicaid reimbursements to emergency medical service agencies for providing emergency medical care to Medicaid enrollees without requiring the transportation of these patients from the place where medical care was administered. It would also permit Medicaid payments to be made to EMS services when they transport individuals to alternative care facilities instead of only hospitals. 
    • permit more ambulance services and advanced life support first responders to store, administer and distribute blood. All ambulances, whether airborne or grounded, would qualify to transfuse blood products to patients to resuscitate them during transport.
    • allow the state Department of Health to charge ambulance service providers a universal service assessment fee to cover increased medical assistant payment rates for their services.
    • increase the volunteer firefighters’ and ambulance workers’ personal income tax credit from $200 to $800 for eligible individuals, and from $400 to $1,600 for eligible married joint filers.
    • declare general ambulance services as an essential service, establish special districts for the financing and operation of generation ambulance services, and provide for a statewide comprehensive emergency medical system plan.

    “Emergency medical service providers are the backbone of our healthcare system in times of crisis. This legislative package ensures they have the support and resources necessary to continue their life-saving work,” state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said in a statement. “By addressing financial, operational, and systemic challenges, we are reaffirming our commitment to the health and safety of all New Yorkers.” 

    State lawmakers are pushing their priorities before the legislative session ends on June 6.

  • 23 May 2024 9:19 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    EMS Leaders –

    This could be a good springboard to engage with your communities to provide essential training on hands-only CPR, AED, Stop the Bleed and perhaps naloxone administration.

    It could also help demonstrate value for your agency!


    Half of Americans not equipped to provide life-saving treatment in a crisis, poll finds

    Emergency room physicians provide tips on how people can be better prepared

    By Melissa Rudy Fox News

    May 22, 2024

    Only half the people in the U.S. feel they could be helpful in an emergency situation, a new poll found.

    The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center surveyed a national sample of 1,005 Americans, finding that only 51% of them knew how to perform hands-only CPR if needed.

    In cases of serious bleeding, only 49% said they could assist, and 56% said they would be equipped to help someone who was choking.

    The data was collected via phone and email from April 5 to April 7 of this year.

    "The key takeaways from our survey are that patient outcomes would improve if the general public learned some basic life-saving measures in the areas of hands-only CPR, choking rescue and bleeding control," Nicholas Kman, M.D., emergency medicine physician at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center and clinical professor of emergency medicine at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, told Fox News Digital. 

    "We can save lives while we wait for first responders to arrive."

    "For every minute that passes, the chance of survival drops, and if they do survive, there’s less chance of a good neurologic outcome."

    Data shows that 70% to 80% of cardiac arrests occur in the home and 20% happen in a public place, according to Kman.


    "Outcomes are poor when the arrest is unwitnessed at home," he told Fox News Digital. 

    "Just think, the person with the medical emergency could be your loved one in your house. You may have to provide life-saving treatment until first responders arrive."

    Heimlich maneuver

    Data shows that 70% to 80% of cardiac arrests occur in the home and 20% happen in a public place, a researcher said.

    Based on the survey findings, Kman advised the public to get trained in life-saving measures — particularly hands-only CPR, choking and serious bleeding.

    "Look for training that may be offered through community days at hospitals, schools, libraries, community organizations, religious institutions, volunteer groups, festivals and sporting events," he suggested.

    "We’re responsible for each other."

    Organizations and websites such as the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association and Stop The Bleed may offer these courses for free or low cost, Kman noted. 

    After learning the skills, it’s important to practice them, the doctor said.

    "We would love the public to learn how to do hands-only CPR and practice the skill of doing CPR every six weeks," Kman said.

    Performing CPR

    Based on the survey findings, researchers advised people to get trained in life-saving measures, particularly hands-only CPR, choking first-aid and serious bleeding assistance.

    "As with any skill, practice builds confidence. If we don’t practice it, we lose that skill."

    The OSU survey did have some limitations, Kman acknowledged.

    "The survey was a convenience sample of a cross-section of Americans," he told Fox News Digital.

    "Most demographics were equally represented, but different regions do better at this than others, and their cardiac arrest results and survival reflect that," he continued.

    "States and countries that prioritize training the public have higher survival rates."

    Emergency room

    "When you’re trained in these lifesaving skills, you’ll know how to recognize the signs that someone needs help and buy time until the [first] responders can get there," a doctor said.

    Dr. Kenneth Perry, an emergency department physician in South Carolina, was not involved in the survey but said he was surprised that more people don’t feel unprepared.

    "Even for medical professionals, having a medical emergency occur without preparation can be a very stressful event," he told Fox News Digital.

    "It is very important for people to have basic lifesaving skills."

    The easiest and most helpful skill that people should learn is how to operate an automated external defibrillator (AED). These are located in many public places, such as gyms, malls and even some public walkways, according to Perry. 

    "These devices are the best way to save a person who is suffering from cardiac arrest," he said.

    "If the person has an abnormal heart rhythm that can be brought back to normal with electricity, this device will save that patient."

    This is a very time-sensitive process, however — it must happen as early as possible, the doctor advised.

    "Early defibrillation is directly correlated with the best outcomes for patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest."

    Ultimately, Kwan, said, "we're responsible for each other."

    "When you’re trained in these lifesaving skills, you’ll know how to recognize the signs that someone needs help and buy time until the responders can get there."

  • 20 May 2024 12:00 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Continuation of telehealth reimbursement models available through the current CMS waivers will be beneficial to EMS because they help facilitate protocols that include a telehealth consult as part of an EMS Treatment in Place (TIP) protocol by allowing providers to be reimbursed for telehealth services originating at the patient’s residence, and without an established patient:provider relationship.

    And because the current waivers allow telehealth providers to reimburse ambulance agencies for the facilitation of provider requested telehealth services.

    Salient waiver language, with links, included at the end of the article.


    House committee advances bill to extend telehealth rules


    May 08, 2024

    Congress took the first step Wednesday to extend expiring telehealth rules, hospital at home services and other programs aimed at rural hospitals.

    The House Ways and Means Committee passed the Preserving Telehealth, Hospital, and Ambulance Access Act of 2024 by a vote of 31-0, setting it up for passage by the full House later this year.

    The bill would extend for two years telehealth rules adopted during the pandemic that are due to expire at the end of the year, as well as extend similar rules for Medicare's hospital at home program for five years.

    The measure also expands the practitioners eligible to bill Medicare for telehealth services to physical therapists, occupational therapists, audiologists and speech language pathologists. And it allows federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics bill Medicare for telehealth services, and delays in-person visit requirements for remote mental healthcare.

    "One of our top priorities on this committee is helping every American access healthcare in the community where they live, work and raise a family. In rural America, in small towns, families often struggle to get healthcare," Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) said. "Without this bill, beneficiaries will no longer be able to talk to their doctors or receive acute hospital care from the comfort of their home, starting at the end of this year."

    While the bill received broad bipartisan support, many of the Democrats on the committee complained that Republicans failed to include significant fraud prevention measures.

    "it's difficult to view this bill as progress with regard to fraud since it gives [the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] no new authority, and no new enforcement tools," said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas).

    "There's much more to do here to protect consumers," said the ranking Democrat on the committee, Rep. Richard Neal (Mass.)

    Republicans agreed that more should be done to target fraud, but suggested it should be addressed in a different, broader bill.

    One potentially controversial provision in the bill requires pharmacy benefit managers that work with Medicare Part D plans to de-link the compensation they pay themselves from the rebates they secure based on drugs' high list prices. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) said the provision will save the government about $500 million, although official estimates were not yet available. The provision does not apply to the broader commercial market, though Schneider and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) both called for expansion of the provision to the commercial market. Large PBMs oppose such provisions.

    Other extensions in the bill cover Medicare’s Low Volume Adjustment and the Medicare-Dependent Hospital Program, which give rural hospitals bonus payments, and are due to expire at the end of 2024. The payments would be extended until September 2025. The bill includes a nine-month extension for Medicare add-on payments for ambulance services in areas with poor access. Republicans opposed amendments to add more time to the extensions, saying they were not paid for.

    The committee is still considering several other bills designed to ease stresses on rural hospitals. Among them:

    • ·         The Preserving Emergency Access in Key Sites Act of 2024, which would boost ambulance payments for hospitals in locations that are hard to reach.
    • ·         The Rural Hospital Stabilization Act of 2024 to boost grants to rural hospitals.
    • ·         The Rural Physician Workforce Preservation Act of 2024 to require that 10% of 1,200 recently approved Medicare graduate medical education training slots go to rural hospitals.
    • ·         The Second Chances for Rural Hospitals Act of 2024, which would allow rural hospitals that closed as long ago as 2017 to reopen as Rural Emergency Hospitals, which receive $276,000 monthly payments from Medicare to support 24-hour emergency services.

    Democrats suggested that because of objections they raised, the bills would not pass in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Republicans argued that the House should not worry what the Senate might do.

    Whether the Senate ever takes up the specific bills, passing them through the committee and likely through the full House makes them available for negotiations that are likely to begin once the November elections are over and Congress grapples with unfinished business.

    "Many of these bills won't become law," Neal said. "There's much more we could have done and likely we will do, post-election time."

    Waiver Language:

     EXPANSION OF TELEHEALTH WITH 1135 WAIVER: Under this new waiver, Medicare can pay for office, hospital, and other visits furnished via telehealth across the country and including in patient’s places of residence starting March 6, 2020. A range of providers, such as doctors, nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers, will be able to offer telehealth to their patients. Additionally, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) is providing flexibility for healthcare providers to reduce or waive cost-sharing for telehealth visits paid by federal healthcare programs. Prior to this waiver Medicare could only pay for telehealth on a limited basis: when the person receiving the service is in a designated rural area and when they leave their home and go to a clinic, hospital, or certain other types of medical facilities for the service.



    RIN 0938-AU31

    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

    AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.

    ACTION: Interim final rule with comment period.

    “….. We note that in specifying that direct supervision includes virtual presence through audio/video real-time communications technology during the PHE for the COVID-19 pandemic, this can include instances where the physician enters into a contractual arrangement for auxiliary personnel as defined in § 410.26(a)(1), to leverage additional staff and technology necessary to provide care that would ordinarily be provided incident to a physicians’ service (including  services that are allowed to be performed via telehealth). For example, physicians may enter into contractual arrangements with a home health agency (defined under section 1861(o) of the Act), a qualified infusion therapy supplier (defined under section 1861(iii)(3)(D) of the Act), or entities that furnish ambulance services in order to utilize their nurses or other clinical staff as auxiliary personnel under leased employment (§ 410.26(a)(5)). In such instances, the provider/supplier would seek payment for any services they provided from the billing practitioner and would not submit claims to Medicare for such services. For telehealth services that need to be personally provided by a physician, such as an E/M visit, the physician would need to personally perform the E/M visit and report that service as a Medicare telehealth service.”

  • 20 May 2024 6:09 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Latest state law designed to help assure patients are not in the middle of billing disputes between providers and insurers.

    A downloadable copy of the bill is at the link in the news report.


    Here’s a new law to help Hoosiers with surprise ambulance bills

    by: Jana Garrett

    May 17, 2024

    HENDERSON, Ky. (WEHT) – According to the Indiana House Republicans, State Representative Tim O’Brien supported a new law that would will require health insurance companies to reimburse for ambulance services that are not part of a person’s coverage plan.

    According to a report by Health Affairs, about 28% of emergency trips in a ground ambulance result in a potential surprise bill. Officials say these bills can place a “significant” financial burden on patients, often leaving them with “overwhelming” expenses they may struggle to pay.

    Rep. O’Brien says going forward, those who use an out-of-network ambulance service will be protected from having to pay more for that service than their in-network rate plus either their deductible or copay. Out-of-network ambulance providers must now accept either the patient’s in-network rate plus their deductible or copay, or the 400% of the Medicare rate for those services.

    Rep. O’Brien says currently, there is no set time frame in which an ambulance service must receive payment from health plan providers. Under this new law, service providers must receive payment within 30 days of the claim being filed.

    Officials say House Enrolled Act 1385 goes into effect July 1.

    Here’s a new law to help Hoosiers with surprise ambulance bills

  • 15 May 2024 1:31 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Excellent research project published in the peer-reviewed journal Pre-Hospital Emergency Care.

    It’s no surprise to many of us that the study found only 6% of 1.7 million EMS responses reviewed involved a time-critical EMS intervention.

    The results from this study could help EMS systems and communities grapple with appropriate resource deployment, when using an evidence-based Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) system.


    Dispatch Categories as Indicators of Out-of-Hospital Time Critical Interventions and Associated Emergency Department Outcomes

    Matthew J. Levy, Remle P. Crowe, Heidi Abraham, Anna Bailey, Matt Blue, Reinhard Ekl, Eric Garfinkel, Joshua B. Holloman, Jeff Hutchens, Ryan Jacobsen, Colin Johnson, Asa Margolis, Ruben Troncoso, Jefferson G. Williams & J. Brent Myers

    Published online: 29 Apr 2024



    Emergency medical services (EMS) systems increasingly grapple with rising call volumes and workforce shortages, forcing systems to decide which responses may be delayed. Limited research has linked dispatch codes, on-scene findings, and emergency department (ED) outcomes. This study evaluated the association between dispatch categorizations and time-critical EMS responses defined by prehospital interventions and ED outcomes. Secondarily, we proposed a framework for identifying dispatch categorizations that are safe or unsafe to hold in queue.


    This retrospective, multi-center analysis encompassed all 9-1-1 responses from 8 accredited EMS systems between 1/1/2021 and 06/30/2023, utilizing the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS). Independent variables included MPDS Protocol numbers and Determinant levels. EMS treatments and ED diagnoses/dispositions were categorized as time-critical using a multi-round consensus survey. The primary outcome was the proportion of EMS responses categorized as time-critical. A non-parametric test for trend was used to assess the proportion of time-critical responses Determinant levels. Based on group consensus, Protocol/Determinant level combinations with at least 120 responses (1 per week) were further categorized as safe to hold in queue (<1% time-critical intervention by EMS and <5% time-critical ED outcome) or unsafe to hold in queue (>10% time-critical intervention by EMS or >10% time-critical ED outcome).


    Of 1,715,612 EMS incidents, 6% (109,250) involved a time-critical EMS intervention. Among EMS transports with linked outcome data (543,883), 12% had time-critical ED outcomes. The proportion of time-critical EMS interventions increased with Determinant level (OMEGA: 1%, ECHO: 38%, p-trend < 0.01) as did time-critical ED outcomes (OMEGA: 3%, ECHO: 31%, p-trend < 0.01). Of 162 unique Protocols/Determinants with at least 120 uses, 30 met criteria for safe to hold in queue, accounting for 8% (142,067) of incidents. Meanwhile, 72 Protocols/Determinants met criteria for unsafe to hold, accounting for 52% (883,683) of incidents. Seven of 32 ALPHA level Protocols and 3/17 OMEGA level Protocols met the proposed criteria for unsafe to hold in queue.


    In general, Determinant levels aligned with time-critical responses; however, a notable minority of lower acuity Determinant level Protocols met criteria for unsafe to hold. This suggests a more nuanced approach to dispatch prioritization, considering both Protocol and Determinant level factors.

  • 10 May 2024 10:00 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Another example of the economic crisis in EMS, regardless of provider type, even in communities where Public Provider GEMT revenue per Medicaid service runs >$1,000.

    It will be interesting to see if the PP-GEMT programs change, based on the on-going CMS audits of cost reports that are the basis for the PP-GEMT reimbursements.


    With profits slow to materialize, San Diego considers another overhaul of its ambulance service

    The mayor’s proposed budget would take $6 million in projected surplus from the city’s ambulance fund. But projections have been off so far — and the independent budget analyst just cautioned against such a move.

    By David Garrick

    May 9, 2024

    SAN DIEGO —  Ambulance service in San Diego may soon undergo significant changes despite the recent success of a new model where private ambulances transport patients and the city oversees deployment, staffing and billing.

    The new set-up, called the alliance model, has improved emergency response times since it began in October, and fire officials say it’s on track to generate millions in revenue the city could use to enhance services.

    But Chief Colin Stowell says he will soon launch a comprehensive analysis to determine whether to stick with the alliance model, bring ambulance service completely in-house or go with some sort of hybrid approach.

    Bringing the service in-house means ambulance workers would become city employees and no longer work for private ambulance companies. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chula Vista have in-house ambulance service.

    “The alliance model has stabilized our system, but where do we take that?” Stowell told the City Council’s Budget Review Committee last week. “We’re in for a very exploratory next year on the EMS front.”

    Stowell estimated that fire officials, with help from a consultant, will come forward this winter with recommendations for what the city’s ambulance system should look like moving into the future.

    The analysis will evaluate the three options — alliance, in-house or hybrid — on emergency response times, financial risks, financial benefits and other factors, he said.

    “Those are all going to be options on the table, and we’ll evaluate the risks and benefits of those,” Stowell said.

    Officials had been expecting millions in profits from the switch to the alliance model — but that has been slow to materialize because of delayed payments for ambulance transports and what city officials characterize as flawed projections.

    Before the switch, private ambulance company Falck USA handled staffing, deployment and billing for the city. Under the alliance model, the city took over those roles — and the financial risks and potential benefits that come with them.

    The shift was prompted by frustration with poor response times and a new state law that boosts reimbursement rates on ambulance transports for government agencies. A consultant had estimated the city would generate $15 million in surplus cash during the alliance model’s first three years.

    The consultant projected $6.5 million during the ongoing fiscal year that ends in June, another $3 million in fiscal year 2025 and $5.5 million in fiscal 2026.

    But Stowell said the city is certainly going to lose money this year. Fire officials have projected a $6.1 million surplus in fiscal 2025, but Stowell and the city’s independent budget analyst said that’s also in doubt.

    Stowell said the main problem has been the long lag times between when an ambulance transport takes place and when the city gets paid by Medicare, MediCal, private insurers and the state reimbursement program.

    “There is a significant lag time, and we have to remember that the money will eventually come in and we will eventually be whole,” Stowell said. “We’re still on track.”

    But Stowell also conceded that some of the projections from last year have turned out to be off the mark.

    He said projections for collection rates and the percentage of patients who are covered privately seem to be accurate, but that estimates of call volumes and state reimbursement money have been off.

    “We’re working completely on projections that were done,” he said. “We are seeing things that maybe weren’t as accurate on those projections.”

    The boosted reimbursements come under the state’s public provider ground emergency transportation inter-governmental transfer program.

    But Stowell stressed that the lag time was the main problem, explaining that the city was more than $8 million in the red during the first month of the alliance model last October.

    The city pays roughly $9 million a month total to primary ambulance provider Falck USA and secondary provider American Medical Response for ambulance services on a per-hour basis.

    Because of lag time, the city received only $135,000 in payments last October. That’s why it was well over $8 million in the red for that month.

    While payments and reimbursements have been rising, city officials don’t expect to be in the black during the ongoing fiscal year and have expressed doubts about fiscal 2025.

    Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, who leads the council’s Public Safety Committee, said last week she was disappointed that the city is not meeting the earlier projections.

    Stowell said last year he hoped to have enough excess revenue to add new programs like nurse triage, telemedicine and street-based interventions.

    Signaling a major shift in priorities, he said last week that the goal is to have enough excess revenue to have adequate “seed money” to possibly bring ambulance service in-house.

    But Mayor Todd Gloria’s proposed budget for fiscal 2025, which relies significantly on one-time revenue sources to close a large deficit, anticipates taking $6 million in projected surplus from the city’s ambulance fund.

    The city’s independent budget analyst cautioned last week that such a move could be problematic because of the alliance model’s disappointing results so far.

    The IBA says revenue will exceed expenses under the alliance model in fiscal 2025, but probably not by enough to generate the $6 million Gloria wants to take away to balance the city budget.

    The IBA says Gloria should consider reducing that amount when he releases a revised version of his budget proposal next week.

    Stowell recommended waiting until this fall to revisit the situation. He said the doubts fire officials expressed to the IBA were partly based on being uncomfortable making projections 14 months into the future.

  • 9 May 2024 9:20 AM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Our neighbors to the north have typically been a bit more transformative in EMS delivery than we in the states!

    We know this because a couple of the AIMHI member agencies are high performance / high value members of AIMHI.

    This model makes a lot of clinical, operational, and financial sense, and allows skilled EMS clinicians to not only respond to the low-acuity 911 calls, but also allows EMS crews in the field to triage patients who do not meet clinical criteria for a transport to the ED, to be treated in place, with a CP follow-up visit.

    Very innovative, and patient-centric approach to system redesign!


    P.E.I.'s new paramedic units aimed at reducing demands on ambulances, ERs

    Units could help free up ambulances in rural parts like Souris, West Prince

    Stu Neatby · Journalist


    Health decision-makers say a new non-ambulatory unit could help keep more ambulances in rural areas like West Prince and Eastern Kings.

    On May 7, Health Minister Mark McLane announced the province’s ambulatory provider, Island EMS, has officially launched new community paramedic response units (CPRU) – paramedic units intended to help 911 calls for patients with lower acuity needs.

    McLane said as many as 35 per cent of 911 calls are from patients who don’t need to go to hospitals. He said the new CPRU units will be staffed by advanced care paramedics who can provide in-home treatments or referrals.

    "This could save the patient a ride to the emergency department if they don't need to go there. Paramedics will connect the patient with appropriate care within the community," McLane said at a news conference the Island EMS office in Charlottetown.

    The new units have been operating in an unofficial capacity since the fall, but Tuesday’s announcement signalled that the appropriate policy protocols for these CPRU teams are in place.

    In lieu of ambulances, the CPRU paramedics will be transported via a Chevy Traverse or Subaru Outback stamped with the word "paramedic" on the hood.

    Wait times

    The province’s ambulance response times have grown longer across the board in both urban and rural community over the last year.

    The wait times are longest in Souris, O’Leary and Alberton, which have median response times longer than 20 minutes. This compares to just over 15 minutes in Charlottetown, 12 minutes in Summerside and just over 12 and a half minutes in Stratford.

    James Orchard, general manager of P.E.I. operations for Island EMS, said the new units will help free up ambulances, particularly those based in areas around Souris, Montague, O’Leary and Alberton, to get to emergencies faster.

    Orchard said around half of 911 calls are based in Charlottetown.

    "A lot of times the rural ambulances are being drawn into the centres because that's where the call volumes are. But, of course, all it takes is one call out in a very rural area and now we're behind the eight-ball to get to that call,” Orchard said.

    "These units can handle that volume so that our rural ambulances are not pulled into it.”

    Across P.E.I., the median ambulance response time was 14 minutes and 41 seconds for the period between Jan. 1 and March 31 of 2024. That’s 3 minutes and 24 seconds longer than the same time period in 2023.

    Two of the community paramedic response units will be based in Charlottetown while one will be located in Summerside.

    Helping patients

    Orchard said patients often do not know how to navigate the health system. He said paramedics are well situated to be “advocates and navigators” for patients.

    “People don't know what resources are really, in some cases, just down the street for them. In a lot of those cases, those resources are available, we just don't know about them," he said.

    Dr. Scott Cameron, the provincial medical director for emergency health services, said these units could also help alleviate some of the stresses in emergency rooms.

    “When 911 is called and paramedics arrive on the scene, patients will be triaged. Patients must meet the clinical indicators to be transported to the emergency department,” Cameron said at the May 7 news conference.

    “If they do not meet clinical indicators for transport, Island EMS paramedics will leverage the CPRU team as necessary."

    Tyler Graves, the president of the Paramedic Association of P.E.I. and a member of the new units, says the new units will allow more advanced care paramedics like himself to work to their full scope of practice.

    "It's a huge opportunity for paramedics to just kind of prove that we can practise at a higher level,” Graves said. "But then also for the communities, it helps get people out of the hospital and keeps them out of the hospital if there's things that we can be doing at home."

    Source Article

  • 8 May 2024 4:14 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    This action is helpful, since many EMS systems are using telehealth for service delivery, as well as participating in Hospital at Home programs.

    Further, the extension of the Ambulance Access Act of 2024 is crucial to EMS system sustainability.

    The House Ways and Means Committee has been staunch advocate of advancing the EMS profession! Their actions today are a further demonstration of their commitment to help patient’s access care, and EMS systems.

    Recall that Dr. Ed Racht and I were invited to provide testimony at the Ways and Means Committee Field Hearing at GMR’s North Texas Headquarters. Committee members expressed support for EMS systems, and payment reform to include reimbursement for Treatment in Place (TIP).

    To view the EMS specific parts of that hearing, click this link.

    Following that hearing, Ways and Means Committee Chair, Jason Smith, met with several of us during NAEMT’s EMS on the Hill Day in April!


    House committee advances bill to extend telehealth rules


    May 08, 2024

    Congress took the first step Wednesday to extend expiring telehealth rules, hospital at home services and other programs aimed at rural hospitals.

    The House Ways and Means Committee passed the Preserving Telehealth, Hospital, and Ambulance Access Act of 2024 by a vote of 31-0, setting it up for passage by the full House later this year.

    The bill would extend for two years telehealth rules adopted during the pandemic that are due to expire at the end of the year, as well as extend similar rules for Medicare's hospital at home program for five years.

    The measure also expands the practitioners eligible to bill Medicare for telehealth services to physical therapists, occupational therapists, audiologists and speech language pathologists. And it allows federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics bill Medicare for telehealth services, and delays in-person visit requirements for remote mental healthcare.

    "One of our top priorities on this committee is helping every American access healthcare in the community where they live, work and raise a family. In rural America, in small towns, families often struggle to get healthcare," Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) said. "Without this bill, beneficiaries will no longer be able to talk to their doctors or receive acute hospital care from the comfort of their home, starting at the end of this year."

    While the bill received broad bipartisan support, many of the Democrats on the committee complained that Republicans failed to include significant fraud prevention measures.

    "it's difficult to view this bill as progress with regard to fraud since it gives [the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] no new authority, and no new enforcement tools," said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas).

    "There's much more to do here to protect consumers," said the ranking Democrat on the committee, Rep. Richard Neal (Mass.)

    Republicans agreed that more should be done to target fraud, but suggested it should be addressed in a different, broader bill.

    One potentially controversial provision in the bill requires pharmacy benefit managers that work with Medicare Part D plans to de-link the compensation they pay themselves from the rebates they secure based on drugs' high list prices. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) said the provision will save the government about $500 million, although official estimates were not yet available. The provision does not apply to the broader commercial market, though Schneider and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) both called for expansion of the provision to the commercial market. Large PBMs oppose such provisions.

    Other extensions in the bill cover Medicare’s Low Volume Adjustment and the Medicare-Dependent Hospital Program, which give rural hospitals bonus payments, and are due to expire at the end of 2024. The payments would be extended until September 2025. The bill includes a nine-month extension for Medicare add-on payments for ambulance services in areas with poor access. Republicans opposed amendments to add more time to the extensions, saying they were not paid for.

    The committee is still considering several other bills designed to ease stresses on rural hospitals. Among them:

    • The Preserving Emergency Access in Key Sites Act of 2024, which would boost ambulance payments for hospitals in locations that are hard to reach.
    • The Rural Hospital Stabilization Act of 2024 to boost grants to rural hospitals.
    • The Rural Physician Workforce Preservation Act of 2024 to require that 10% of 1,200 recently approved Medicare graduate medical education training slots go to rural hospitals.
    • The Second Chances for Rural Hospitals Act of 2024, which would allow rural hospitals that closed as long ago as 2017 to reopen as Rural Emergency Hospitals, which receive $276,000 monthly payments from Medicare to support 24-hour emergency services.

    Democrats suggested that because of objections they raised, the bills would not pass in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Republicans argued that the House should not worry what the Senate might do.

    Whether the Senate ever takes up the specific bills, passing them through the committee and likely through the full House makes them available for negotiations that are likely to begin once the November elections are over and Congress grapples with unfinished business.

    "Many of these bills won't become law," Neal said. "There's much more we could have done and likely we will do, post-election time."

  • 8 May 2024 4:14 PM | Matt Zavadsky (Administrator)

    Kudos to the team at Atrium Health on this amazing accreditation!


    Atrium Health Earns First Accreditation in Mobile Healthcare, Paramedicine

    'The accreditation serves as a symbol of excellence'

    By SARAH ROSE • News Writer

    May 7, 2024

    The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services (CAMTS) announced that Atrium Health’s Mobile Integrated Health, Mobile Medicine from Charlotte, North Carolina, is the first entity that has earned full accreditation under CAMTS Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) Accreditation Standards.

    “For Atrium Health’s Mobile Integrated Health team, this accreditation signifies our organization's commitment to providing safe, high-quality medical care by meeting specific criteria related to safety, equipment, quality, training, and operational procedures to patients in our communities. This accreditation serves as a symbol of excellence within the industry, and we are proud to have it.” said Atrium MIH director Amanda Williams.

    For accreditation, the program completes a self-assessment using a standards compliance tool. Once submitted, the standards compliance tool is reviewed for compliance and completeness before site surveyors visit the program to interview the staff.

    “We knew it would be a while after we published the standards for programs to apply and complete the process," said CAMTS executive director Eileen Frazer. "Most programs need as much as a year to prepare documents, policies and procedures, education records, meeting minutes, safety documents, etcetera to meet the standards. We ask for a lot of documentation and interview a lot of people in the program as part of the process.”

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